Disaster Relief - Donating Wisely
Want to make sure your $$ is going to a good charity ? That your donation actually will reach those disaster victims in need ?
Give.org: "Investigate before you donate". Give.org is the website for the BBB Wise Giving Alliance: they collect and distribute information on hundreds of nonprofit organizations that solicit nationally or have national or international program services. Those charities that either do or don't meet standards are indicated, as are ones who refuse to provide information about their accountability.
The American Institute of Philanthropy: Helping you give wisely to charity. AIP is a nationally prominent charity watchdog service whose purpose is to help donors make informed giving decisions. They also include information on the specific organizations.
Washington Post and FEMA provide a list of 16 agencies in the article: Where to Donate. The Post provides free registration for articles.
Three charities with excellent, nay outstanding! records and ratings, already on the storm ravaged scene helping Katrina victims are
http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/ . . . . Salvation Army
Donate online, or mail donations to:
. . . . . Salvation Army
. . . . . PO BOX 4857
. . . . . JACKSON, MS 39296-4857
. . . . . Attn: disaster relief
note: the Salvation Army has been described as the "gold star" of charities - you can be sure your donations are going to benefit those most in need - they can make $$ go further then just about anyone else
. . . . . America's Second Harvest of the Big Bend
. . . . . 4016 NW Passage
. . . . . Tallahassee, FL 32303
. . . . . Attn: disaster relief
another incredible program doing so much good across the country and right here in Leon County as well
. . . . . American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund
. . . . . 187 Office Plaza Drive
. . . . . Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Red Cross, international in scope, helping around the world. The American Red Cross has been a first responder for decades when disaster strikes locally. These folks know what they are doing, they just need the resources
Animal disaster relief organizations
Humane Society of the US The Humane Society of the United States is on the ground in the most devastated areas of the Gulf Coast. The animals are counting on us, we are counting on you. Hundreds of animals have already been rescued, and the search continues house by house.
Noahs Wish is a unique animal welfare organization dedicated exclusively to rescuing and sheltering animals in disasters throughout the United States and Canada, and other locations. They have a web section specifically about their rescue work with Katrina animals.
Louisiana State Univ School of Veterinary Medicine, Hurricane Katrina Emergency Animal Shelter. LSU is sheltering animals that were left with vets, kennels, and other locations that were unable to care for animals due to storm damage and animals recovered from the storm area.
If you are wondering about INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, in addition to the Red Cross then Doctors Without Borders is an incredible organization - "international independent medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural and man-made disasters, and exclusion from health care." They were the first to aid Tsunami victims, they are in the Sudan and all over the world, doing amazing work for the neediest.
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