Gangs and the TCC Library
"Once found principally in large cities, violent street gangs now affect public safety, community

BOOKS at the TCC Library
Gangs : opposing viewpoints Greenhaven Press,c2005.
Street wars : gangs and the future of violence New Press,c2004.
Understanding contemporary gangs in America : an interdisciplinary approach

Prentice Hall,c2004
Manufacturing the gang : Mexican American youth gangs on local television news (Contributions to the Study of Mass Media and
Reducing gun violence: results from an intervention in East Los Angeles Rand, 2003.
Teenagers and gangs a lethal combination
Street life inside America’s gangs

Reading gang tattoos
School crime and violence. Campus combat zone
Got gangs ? Yes, we do. Leaders gather to discuss rising threat in Tallahassee on-campus link to full-text via NewsBank. Julian Pecquet, Tallahassee Democrat 12/5/2006 City and county leaders shared some frightening statistics Monday morning: More than a dozen gang-related shootings have occurred in the area in the past 20 months; there is a surging interest in Tallahassee from national gangs; and more than 100 local youths are believed to be involved in gangs. As Tallahassee grows, so does its attractiveness to gangs, officials said. But there's a way to stem the growth before it gets out of hand: by making the community aware and involved . . . For off-campus access, log-in to LINCCWeb, select NewsBank America's Newspapers
Gang activity sparks concern. David Ovalle. Miami Herald, 11/19/2006

Teenage girls buying into gang violence. Christian Molidor, Univ. of Texas, Social Work May 1996.
The most dangerous gang in America: MS13. Newsweek 3/28/05
Florida Gangs - Gangs and Security Threat Group Awareness
Florida Dept of Corrections
Official Florida Gang Investigators Association Web Site
lots of links to resources and information, gang news
FSU College of Criminology links to Gang information sites
Juvenile Delinquency & Juvenile Justice
Tampa Bay Gangs & Gang Intervention
NCJRS National Criminal Justice Reference Service - In the spotlight: Gangs
Youth Gangs: Going beyond the myths to address a critical problem
U.S. Dept of Education
Violent Gangs: FBI
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Drugs and Gangs: Fast Facts
National Drug Intelligence Center
Criminal Justice Resources - Gangs
Michigan State University Libraries
The Coroner's Report:
Information and resources on Gang intervention
Gang Research: Chicago Gang History Project
Gangs and at-Risk kids
Databases contain full-text articles from wide span of journals, magazines and newspapers. Databases are available to anyone in the TCC community via your TCC ID card number.
SIRS Leading Issues
[on-campus link]
NewsBank: Academic Library: Crime and Law: Juvenile Crime
[on-campus link]
CQ Researcher: May 14, 2004. Gang Crisis.[on-campus link]
Opposing Viewpoints [off-campus login via TCC ID card]
Library resources on Gangs
Library books on Gangs
Library e-books on Gangs
Library audio-visuals on Gangs
Labels: gang violence