Looking for Newspaper Archives ?
An announcement from GoogleBlog:
Bringing history online, one newspaper at a time
9/08/2008 - For more than 200 years, matters of local and national significance have been conveyed in newsprint -- from revolutions and politics to fashion to local weather or high school football scores. Around the globe, we estimate that there are billions of news pages containing every story ever written. And it's our goal to help readers find all of them, from the smallest local weekly paper up to the largest national daily.
The problem is that most of these newspapers are not available online. We want to change that.
Today, we're launching an initiative to make more old newspapers accessible and searchable online by partnering with newspaper publishers to digitize millions of pages of news archives. Try a search for [Americans walk on moon] on Google News Archive Search, and you'll be able to find and read an original article from a 1969 edition of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. . . . continue GoogleBlog article
NYT: Google to Digitize Newspaper Archives
By Miguel Helft
September 8, 2008 San Francisco
- Google has begun scanning microfilm from some newspapers’ historic archives to make them searchable online, first through Google News and eventually on the papers’ own Web sites, the company said Monday.
The new program expands a two-year-old service that allows Google News users to search the archives of some major newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times, The Washington Post and Time, that were already available in digital form. Readers will be able to search the archives using keywords and view articles as they appeared originally in the print pages of newspapers. http://news.google.com/archivesearch
Under the expanded program, Google will shoulder the cost of digitizing newspaper archives, much as the company does with its book-scanning project. Google angered some book publishers because it had failed to seek permission to scan books that were protected by copyrights. It will obtain permission from newspaper publishers before scanning their archives. . . continue http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/09/technology/09google.html
TCC Library subscribes to a number of newspapers, both print and full-text online.
Print subscriptions are limited: delivery time delays, fragile nature of paper, storage space - are all limiting factors.
Online subscriptions provide students and researchers extensive searchable coverage, with full text access to over 2,000 U.S. and 1,200 international newspapers via NewsBank.
NewsBank also includes over 1,000 newswires, blogs, magazines, transcripts and other news sources, with coverage spanning 50 years.
NewsBanks U.S. newspapers include: Boston Globe (1979 +); Chicago Tribune (1985 +); Dallas Morning News (1984 +); Denver Post, (1989 +); Miami Herald (1982 +); New York Times (1985+) ; Philadelphia Inquirer (1981+); San Francisco Chronicle (1985+); Seattle Times, (1985+); Washington Post (1977+).
TCC also provides online subscription access to full coverage of the New York Times, (1851 - 2006), the Tallahassee Democrat (Oct 2005+), and the Chronicle of Higher Education (1969+)
Access TCC Library Newspaper Archive Databases at : Databases Online
A currently activated TCC ID card is required for login.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -St Petersburg Times newspaper archive goes online
Check our News Sources Online page for more links
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Alas, an update -
Bringing history online, one newspaper at a time
The problem is that most of these newspapers are not available online. We want to change that.
Today, we're launching an initiative to make more old newspapers accessible and searchable online by partnering with newspaper publishers to digitize millions of pages of news archives. Try a search for [Americans walk on moon] on Google News Archive Search, and you'll be able to find and read an original article from a 1969 edition of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. . . . continue GoogleBlog article
NYT: Google to Digitize Newspaper Archives
By Miguel Helft
September 8, 2008 San Francisco
The new program expands a two-year-old service that allows Google News users to search the archives of some major newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times, The Washington Post and Time, that were already available in digital form. Readers will be able to search the archives using keywords and view articles as they appeared originally in the print pages of newspapers. http://news.google.com/archivesearch
Under the expanded program, Google will shoulder the cost of digitizing newspaper archives, much as the company does with its book-scanning project. Google angered some book publishers because it had failed to seek permission to scan books that were protected by copyrights. It will obtain permission from newspaper publishers before scanning their archives. . . continue http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/09/technology/09google.html
TCC Library subscribes to a number of newspapers, both print and full-text online.
Print subscriptions are limited: delivery time delays, fragile nature of paper, storage space - are all limiting factors.
NewsBank also includes over 1,000 newswires, blogs, magazines, transcripts and other news sources, with coverage spanning 50 years.
NewsBanks U.S. newspapers include: Boston Globe (1979 +); Chicago Tribune (1985 +); Dallas Morning News (1984 +); Denver Post, (1989 +); Miami Herald (1982 +); New York Times (1985+) ; Philadelphia Inquirer (1981+); San Francisco Chronicle (1985+); Seattle Times, (1985+); Washington Post (1977+).
TCC also provides online subscription access to full coverage of the New York Times, (1851 - 2006), the Tallahassee Democrat (Oct 2005+), and the Chronicle of Higher Education (1969+)
Access TCC Library Newspaper Archive Databases at : Databases Online
A currently activated TCC ID card is required for login.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -St Petersburg Times newspaper archive goes online
Check our News Sources Online page for more links
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Alas, an update -
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