Global Warming and the TCC Library

Field notes from a catastrophe : man, nature, and climate c2006
Global climate change c2006

An inconvenient truth : the planetary emergency of global warming c2006
Review of Al Gores book on screen in the NYTimes
The weather makers : how man is changing the climate and what it means for life on Earth c2005
Feeling the heat: dispatches from the front lines of climate change c2004
The hype about hydrogen: fact and fiction in the race to save the climate c2004
Implementing climate and global change research: a review of the Final U.S. Climate Change Science Program Strategic Plan c2004
Global Warming Mini-Bibliography articles available in the TCC Library, with links

The fallacy of global warming: BBC c2002
Global warming: global policy? c2002
Hot times in Alaska c2004
PBS: TCC Video companion website
What's up with the Weather ? c2000
PBS: TCC Video companion site
The Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change
"created to disseminate factual reports and sound commentary on new developments in the world-wide scientific quest to determine the climatic and biological consequences of the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content."Climate Solutions
publishes reports covering the impact of global warming, including Global Warming Is Here: The Scientific Evidence, available from its website.
Environmental Protection Agency's Global Warming Site
"to present accurate information on the very broad issue of climate change and global warming in a way that is accessible and meaningful to all parts of society--communities, individuals, business, public officials and governments."
George W. Bush and Global Warming
President Bush Discusses Global Climate Change. June 2001
Bush's Junk Science, Nation 3/8/2004
National Wildlife Federation: Climate Change and Wildlife
describes the threat of climate change to human health, economics and wildlife through articles and reports
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The Goddard Institute for Space Studies is primarily engaged in studies of global climate change. The "Popular Science" page alone has over 50 articles on the subject. The site also features related research, datasets and images, and scores on online publications.
NOAA: Global Warming: Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs about global warming, such as: Is it happening? Is the sea level rising? What is the greenhouse effect? And is the climate becoming more variable or extreme?
Aeronomy Laboratory Home Page
wealth of information on all aspects of atmospheric research including online texts of studies done on such issues as ozone depletion and global warming
PBS - Public Broadcasting Service
- Dimming the Sun
- "New evidence that air pollution has masked the full impact of global warming suggests the world may soon face a heightened climate crisis."
- Hot Planet--Cold Comfort
- take a look at great moments in global climate change.
- Hot Times in Alaska
- companion site to the TCC video looks into why Alaska's warmer temperatures may be a cause of concern for the global environment.
- Rising Arctic Temperatures Lead to Global Environmental Changes
- "A rise in temperature around the North Pole is melting large areas of Arctic ice, causing dramatic weather changes and declines in populations of polar bears and walruses, among other changes, scientists say."
- What's Up with the Weather? (TCC Video companion site)
- "This NOVA Online and FRONTLINE report examines the science and politics of global warming and what climatologists really know about the greenhouse effect. What is the connection between rising levels of carbon dioxide and global warming? And what will be the real impact of global warming in the future?"
The Pew Center on Global Climate Change
Research on global warming, its causes and effects, greenhouse gas emissions trends, environmental impacts, and possible solutions.
Sierra Club: Driving Up the Heat: SUVs and Global Warming
site focuses on current environmental topics, and also devotes a section to issue updating so that the reader remains informed about ongoing environmental issues.
United Nations Core Treaties
The UN protects fundamental freedoms worldwide. Read "the twenty-five treaties most central to the spirit and goals of the UN Charter....treaties are organized by themes, such as Human Rights, Chemical Weapons and Global Warming.
The Why Files [a popular and critically acclaimed web site that explores the science behind the news]
- Accounting Scandal!
- Arctic Warming
- The Fact of Global Warming
- Global Warming: Is It Real?
- Global Warming: Roast, or Idle Boast?
- Hurricanes: The Heat Is On
- No Snows on Kilimanjaro
- Sudden Climate Change: Just a Movie Plot?
- Super Salmon Study
Online Databases
with full-text resources and special reports on Global Warming - access is limited to TCC students, faculty & staff
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interesting !
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