Immigration and the TCC Library

Immigration is a hot topic these days. Immigration reform, illegal immigrants, seems every news broadcast, magazine and newspaper seems to have something on this complicated issue.
Is America the melting pot, or the salad bowl of ethnicity ? The promised land with streets of gold and jobs for everyone ? Or have the doors closed to many aspiring to come to America ?
Immigration is certainly another controversial debate, especially as elections draw near and candidates are taking (or not) positions on the controversy.
The TCC Library has hundreds of resources on Immigration in its print and electronic resources: books, eBooks, audio-visual materials and full-text databases.
A selected few of the TCC resources are featured below. Additional links to our catalog at the bottom will provide you with more complete listings.
Web sites of interest

Angel Island
Ellis Island Passenger Arrivals: American Family Immigration History Center
12/31/1890 - Ellis Island Opens: video clip from the History Channel
Life After the Holocaust: Stories of Holocaust Survivors After the War
Cultural Orientation Project
The State of American Public Opinion on Immigration in Spring 2006: a Review of Major Surveys
from the Pew Charitable Trusts Organization
from PBS
- Becoming American: the Chinese Experience
- Beyond the Border: Mexico
- Emma Goldman
- Farminville
- Mexico: a Death in the Desert
- The New Americans: from Nigeria and the Dominican Republic

Center for Immigration Studies
Federation for American Immigration Reform Home Page
Immigrants at Mid-Decade: A Snapshot of America's Foreign-Born Population in 2005
Immigration: The Demographic & Economic Facts [Cato Org.]
International Organization for Migration Home Page
Migration Information Source
National Immigration Forum Home Page
National Immigration Law Center Home Page
Political Leaders' Views On the Issues,
Public Agenda Issue Guide: Immigration
Government Web Sites

The White House. Policies in Focus: Immigration
inlcudes links to President's radio address, Fact Sheet: Project Jump Start, and more.
Diversity Immigrant Visa Program (Green Card Lottery)
Populating a Nation: A History of Immigration and Naturalization
United Executive Office for Immigration Review: Dept of Justice
United States immigration statistics from the Census Bureau
from the American Memory Collection, Library of Congress
Print Books

Ellis Island interviews : immigrants tell their stories in their own words
Guarding the golden door : American immigration policy and immigrants since 1882
Illegal Immigration: opposing viewpoints
Immigration : opposing viewpoints
Immigration policy: point counterpoint
Italians in the deep South : their impact on Birmingham and the American heritage
Korean-Americans : past, present, and future
A nation by design : immigration policy in the fashioning of America
Reinventing the melting pot : the new immigrants and what it means to be American
Audiovisual Resources
Databases with collections on Immigration
SIRS, NewsBank, CQ Researcher, Opposing Viewpoints
(links are for on-campus users. A TCC ID is required for off-campus login access for all databases)
Links to TCC Catalog
Immigration - United States 
also search for a specific ethnic group, example
Chinese Americans
Cuban Americans
Italian Americans
Mexican Americans

also search for a specific ethnic group, example
Chinese Americans
Cuban Americans
Italian Americans
Mexican Americans