The National Atlas of the United States of America
"The National Atlas of the United States of America home page on the World Wide Web. is the single best Federal source for national maps and geographic information on the Web. It contains an online map maker, dynamic maps, printable maps, articles, free geographic data, and additional resources for geographic information about the US."
The National Atlas of the United StatesĀ® is a concerted effort to present consistent and reliable national maps that can be used to explore the human dimensions of American landscapes and environments. The individuals and organizations that collaborate on the National Atlas share these goals:

Cartography is the science and art of making maps.
The National Atlas of the United StatesĀ® is a concerted effort to present consistent and reliable national maps that can be used to explore the human dimensions of American landscapes and environments. The individuals and organizations that collaborate on the National Atlas share these goals:

- to contribute to a better understanding of the environmental, resource, demographic, economic, social, political and historical dimensions of American life,
- to serve as a medium for the dissemination of information helpful to gaining a better understanding of the United States and other parts of the world,
- to make possible a comparison of the United States with other countries and world regions that will give Americans a better understanding of their country in relation to what takes place elsewhere in the world,
- to offer information for effective communication among scientists and scholars in the various fields of knowledge that can be appropriately presented in map format on a national basis,
- to provide useful information through graphical presentation and text to persons in positions of responsibility confronted with making important legislative, planning, management, business, and other decisions
- to provide materials useful to educators and students,
- to give additional visibility through map making to statistical and dynamic information, and
- to honor traditions of cartographic excellence while advancing the state of the art in the preparation and use of modern maps.
Cartography is the science and art of making maps.
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