wiseGEEK - clear answers for common questions
What is wiseGEEK?
- wiseGEEK is a very straightforward website: we offer free and clear answers to common questions.

How can I find articles on wiseGEEK?
- The easiest way to find what you are looking for is to use the search box that is available on our homepage or at the top of every page of our site. Just enter your search query; you will notice that our system begins to make article suggestions as you type. You can click on one of our suggestions (or use the up/down arrow keys on your keyboard) to choose an article. Alternatively, you can click on the button next to the search box to see our full list of articles related to your query.
Who writes the articles for wiseGEEK?
- We have assembled a great team of writers to tackle the Herculean task of answering common questions.
- wiseGEEK also has over 20 categories of popular topics, linking to thousands of related articles
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