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Monday, December 17, 2012

International Business Etiquette, Manners & Culture

 International Business Etiquette, Manners & CultureSuccessful business transactions often depend on cross-cultural competence; through this website, visitors can research the cultures of 32 countries and six regions around the world. The home page serves as an introduction and a portal, with links to individual country pages, regions, and other resources. All country pages contain basic country information and fun facts . . . sections containing key information on religion, appearance, behavior, and communication; and a brief set of links to country-specific books and Internet resources such as the CIA Factbook country guides and other travel and international business works. All sections link to the related International Business Center and the International Career Center sites.

Navigation is easy, text flows nicely, and presentation is straightforward and flexible. One may print just-in-time country information for portable review while traveling. The site could benefit from more attention to link maintenance, as links to resources in several sections did not work or linked to incorrect pages, including sections on Italy, Argentina, and Australia as well as the newsletter sign-up link. Overall, this website has many strengths as a resource for international travelers and professionals preparing to conduct business in other countries or shape an international career. It is affiliated with the International Business Center site, directed by Stephen Taylor, who boasts impressive executive/managerial experience in international business with extensive worldwide travel. Global MBA graduates at the University of Texas at Dallas participated in collecting information for the site. See related, Centre for Intercultural Learning http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/cfsi-icse/cil-cai/index-eng.asp  Summing Up: Recommended. Business collections at all levels. -- D. Truty, Northeastern Illinois University. ACRL Choice, Nov 2012.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Business etiquette online is good netiquette. Thanks for your input. In my experience the Japanese culture has stricter etiquette guidelines than most. My netiquette followers in Japan are very hard to please.

7:13 PM


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