AI (Artificial Intelligence) Topics

scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines. . .
However, if you are fortunate enough to have more than a minute, then please get ready to embark upon an exciting journey exploring AI (but beware, it could last a lifetime) . . ."
AITopics is a mediated
information portal provided by AAAI (The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence), with the goal of communicating the science and applications of AI to interested people around the world.
We have selected and annotated many exemplary, non-technical resources within the categories shown in the left menu. Within each category we offer abundant information through the use of links to online articles, videos, and occasional selections of print resources.
We are accumulating links to online versions of books and papers that have influenced the growth of the field in a virtual archive of classic publications.
AITopics also catalogs videos about AI stored digitally on other sites, or physically in institutional archives. Funding for this project is from the NSF (Award #0738341) and the AI Jounal Foundation.
Recommended in ACRL's March issue of Choice.
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