
Justia.com is more user-friendly then FindLaw - both are authoritative and easy to use, "crammed with legal information and resources; however, FindLaw seems to lean slightly more toward professionals than general users. Geared toward nonspecialists, Justia.com is easy to navigate and loads quickly. Information is available through subject lists on the home page, or via a search box. Keyword searches may be broad in nature, or limited to Lawyers, Legal Web, Law Blogs, or Legal Podcasts. http://www.justia.com/ users may sign up for Daily Opinion Summaries covering particular legal subject areas, or breaking court opinions. Podcasts from law schools, news agencies, legal firms, and others sources are available. This very useful resource will appeal to audiences ranging from nonspecialists to college/university students" (Choice) Reviewed in ALA's December issue of Choice. | |
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