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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Why are so many college students failing to gain job skills before graduation?

By Jeffrey J. Selingo  - January 26

If you watch college sports on television, you’ve probably seen the ad for Enterprise Rent-A-Car featuring former college athletes working behind the counter at your nearby Enterprise location. Enterprise – which hires more entry-level college graduates annually than any other company in the U.S. — likes recruiting college athletes because they know how to work on teams and multitask.

“We see a lot of transferable skills in athletes,” Marie Artim, vice president of talent acquisition at Enterprise, told me.

Even so, Enterprise, like many employers, still finds today’s college graduates severely lacking in some basic skills, particularly problem solving, decision making, and the ability to prioritize tasks.

“This is a generation that has been ‘syllabused’ through their lives,” Artim said, referring to the outline of a class students receive at the beginning of a college course. “Decisions were made for them, so we’re less likely to find someone who can pull the trigger and make a decision.”
Bosses, of course, have long complained that newly minted college grads are not ready for the world of work, but there is a growing body of evidence that what students learn — or more likely don’t learn — in college makes them ill-prepared for the global job market. Two studies in just the past few weeks show that the clear signal a college degree once sent to employers that someone is ready for a job increasingly has a lot of noise surrounding it.

One study is the result of a test administered to 32,000 students at 169 colleges and universities. It found that 40 percent of college seniors fail to graduate with the complex reasoning skills needed in today’s workplace. The test, the Collegiate Learning Assessment Plus, is given to freshmen and seniors and measures the gains made during college in critical thinking, writing and communication, and analytical reasoning.

The results of the test found little difference between those students who graduated from public colleges and those who went to private schools. Not surprisingly, students who graduated from the best colleges did better than everyone else on the test as seniors, but their gains since taking the test as freshmen were actually smaller than those students who graduated from less elite schools.

The big difference between the skills of graduates depended on their college major: Students who studied math and science scored significantly higher than those who studied in the so-called helping and service fields, such as social work, and in business, which is the most popular college major.

A second study released this month found a similar disconnect between what employers need and the readiness of college seniors. In a pair of surveys by the Association of American Colleges & Universities, would-be graduates said college armed them with the skills needed for the job market. But employers disagreed. On a range of nearly 20 skills, employers consistently rated students much lower than they judged themselves. While 57 percent of students said they were creative and innovative, for example, just 25 percent of employers agreed.

read the rest of the article here:

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Free Tuition for Community College

Last week I wrote about education in community colleges in general, as an introduction to President Obama's proposal for providing free tuition for community college students. At the time, only the idea had been introduced, with the promise that the President would announce the specifics in his State of the Union address last Tuesday. I concluded last week's blog by saying that this week I would dig deeper into the details, look at minuses and pluses of the program, and update you on any recent developments.

Instead of the President going into the details of his proposal during the State of the Union address, the White House announced some likelihoods of the program prior to Tuesday night. Currently, we have only a few of the specifics, and this week I will write about: what I do know about the proposal; the need for more particulars; arguments in favor of, and in opposition to, the proposal; and an alternative proposal.

First of all, let's concentrate on the details.
• The program would provide tuition-free education for community college students who maintain a 2.5 grade point average (c+) and who make consistent progress toward graduation--whether working for a certificate or degree in occupational training programs leading to employment or an associate degree that is transferable to a four-year college.
• The cost is estimated at about $60 billion over ten years, with the federal government bearing three-fourths of the cost and the states and local entities paying the remainder.
• The federal money would come by increasing the capital-gains and dividends tax rates for high-income households, closing a trust-fund loophole, and charging a fee to financial firms that borrow heavily.
• The proposal also calls for streamlining Coverdell education-saving programs and the 529 savings plans, which are difficult for students and their families to understand.
• And the proposal would extend the Hope tax credit to students enrolled less than half time.

The details of this proposal are very complicated. In my opinion, it would be imprudent for the U.S. Congress to pass this bill before all the specifics of the program are clearly spelled out, which would include a precise line-by-line budget and reasonable safeguards for the budget to be adhered to. We know that government spending always seems to run amok, and we remember Nancy Pelosi's famous words about first passing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and learning about the details later.

Let's look at some of the arguments for and against the proposal, first turning to what people in favor of the program are saying.
• This program would send a clear message to everyone that community college is an affordable option for higher education and could induce more high-school students to prepare for, and enroll in, college.
• This program would possibly encourage more students to attend community colleges instead of the more expensive for-profit colleges, thus reducing their debt burden.
• Four-year degrees would be more affordable by attending community colleges for the first two years and transferring to a four year college for the last two years. This is significant because having more people highly educated would: make for a much larger and better qualified workforce, bring new industry to the United States, create many new jobs, and generate more revenues than the costs of funding such a program.
• The proposal would help middle-income families who make too much money to qualify for Pell Grants but do not make enough money to pay for the total cost of a college education.
• Because so many students who attend community colleges work full-time jobs, covering the tuition for part-time students in addition to full-timers would make it possible for more students to attend college.
• If students are allowed to use Pell Grants to defray college expenses other than tuition, as many White House officials suggest it will, it would be a huge bonanza for college students. Tuition is only a small portion of the total cost of attending college, and most colleges have "tuition" grants available for students with limited financial means, making it possible for the Pell Grant to be used for other college expenses.

Here are some of the comments from those who oppose the proposed program.
• There is too much emphasis on the need for everyone to attend college, thus degrading people who just do not have the disposition or temperament to attend college. There are many respected vocational positions that do not require education beyond high school.
• Tuition is already free for most poor and working-class students, who qualify for federal Pell Grants and tuition grants from the college they are attending.
• If we are going to fund the first two years of college tuition, such funding should not be restricted to community colleges; it should also be used for the first two years of tuition for four-year colleges. The drop-out rate at community colleges is a tragic 82% (on average, only 18% graduate). If students plan to transfer to four-year colleges, it is a mistake to encourage them to initially go to community colleges, where they are much less likely to graduate; it makes more sense to attend four-year colleges in the first place.
• Transferring credits from a community college to a four-year college sounds easy, but in real life it can be a nightmare.
• This program broadens the country's welfare program, which encourages people to depend on the government, rather than promoting hard work, long-range planning, sacrifice, and self-reliance--attributes that have long been hallmarks leading to success. At the least, if the program is adopted, students participating in such a program should be required to commit to a one- or two-year service project in the community, military service, or an equivalent.
• No one has provided solid information to suggest that the program would be helpful for education over the long haul.
• Once federal programs get started, they historically grow in size and cost far, far beyond what was originally forecast.

From what I have been able to learn about the President's proposal, although it has some attractive components, the arguments against the program outweigh those for it.

Writing in The New York Times (January 19, 2015), David Brooks offers an alternative program that deserves looking at. He suggests that the problem is not getting students to enroll in community colleges, but helping them to graduate. He proposes that, if the money is going to be spent, it should be used to: subsidize counselors, tutors, and mentors; provide better remedial programs (all college teachers agree that a substantial number of their students are not prepared for college work, and that this is especially true of students attending community college); and to provide more and consistent support services such as child care.

"In short," writes Brooks, "you wouldn't write government checks for tuition. You'd strengthen structure around the schools."

(Sources for this column are: various articles in recent issues of The Chronicle of Higher Education and The New York Times, numerous reports of the U.S. Department of Education, and personal knowledge gained from being involved in higher education as a teacher and administrator for many years.)
explore in depth on Google News - 116 articles

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

TCC Career Center: comprehensive career, transfer and job search assistance services

The mission of the Career Center is to enhance student success by providing comprehensive career, transfer and job search assistance services.  The staff is committed to fostering individual growth and development by assisting students with their academic, career and employment needs.

Partnerships and collaborative efforts are developed with alumni, faculty, businesses, organizations, colleges and universities to help students explore various career, internships, employment, and transfer opportunities.

The Career Center envisions career development as a life-long process and empowers students through its programs and services to develop and implement a plan to achieve their current and future career goals.

The TCC Career Center offers a diverse array of services related to career planning, preparation and job search assistance, including:

  • Computerized career assessments (SIGI3 and Florida CHOICES)
  • To take SIGI3, click: SIGI3
  • To take FL CHOICES, click: Florida CHOICES

There are 2 sets of SIGI3 new user instructions for students:
1) Students attending new student orientation: SIGI3 Guide for new users-students.pdf
2) SLS1510-College Success students or students who want to by-pass the quick FastStart survey and begin with the full assessments:
SIGI3 Guide for new users-students-SLS1510.pdf
The Career Center can assist in planning for your future, regardless of your career development needs.
For additional information, please enjoy the video below:

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Governmentattic.org: thousands of interesting Federal Government documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act

Welcome to governmentattic.org

governmentattic.org provides electronic copies of thousands of interesting Federal Government documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.  Fascinating historical documents, reports on items in the news, oddities and fun stuff and government bloopers, they're all here.  Think of browsing this site as rummaging through the Government's Attic -- hence our name.   Our motto: Videre licet.

governmentattic.org has two file sections: FOIA Logs and Documents.
To get to the actual documents,  click on the above links: "FOIA LOGS" or "DOCUMENTS"

Recommended in the August issue of ALA's Choice
"The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) became law in 1966 and was later amended to cover electronic documents produced by various executive agencies but not Congress. The application process, though not exceedingly difficult, prevents easy, immediate access to a vast amount of material. Once a request is made, agency employees must find the document and then assess whether some or all of it can be released. This is a costly, time-consuming process, and requesters are charged for photocopying. To help citizens find or keep up with document releases, Keith Yearman, Michael Ravnitzky, and others created and now manage the free, "noncommercial website" Governmentattic.org. Its motto is Videre licet ("It is permitted to see"), and its logo is an owl perched on a limb. From the site's inception in 2007, newly released documents (electronic copies of documents obtained under FOIA) have been placed on the website weekly, in varying numbers".

Friday, January 16, 2015

LearnLiberty, a project of the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University

Learn Liberty is your resource for exploring the ideas of a free society. We tackle big questions about what makes a society free or prosperous and how we can improve the world we live in. Why are some countries right while others are poor? Can cops search your cell phone? Should the government subsidize...silly walks? We don’t have all the answers - but we've got a lot of ideas. By working with professors from a range of academic disciplines and letting them share their own opinions, we help you explore new ways of looking for solutions to the world’s problems.

Recommended in the July 2014 issue of ALA's Choice.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Yovisto: Academic Video Search

 "The free website Yovisto is a search engine for a selection of freely available educational video content. Most of the video content is class lectures recorded at various universities (e.g., MIT, Yale, Stanford). Informative speeches, such as TED Talks http://www.ted.com/talks ...and NASA presentations, are also included.

Yovisto is based in Germany, and some of the content is in German; however, the search box includes an easily selected English Only limiter. Alternatively, users may browse via Universities, Lectures, Videos, or Speakers tabs. Advanced search options include limiting by format, organization, and subject category. The amount of metadata included varies, depending on the source of the video.

Users may search for and view videos without registering for an account. Those who take advantage of the free registration may upload their own videos and add tags to others' videos. The tags provide specific access points within a video. The option to upload videos may be useful to instructors at institutions that do not provide a platform for sharing online videos


Because much of this site's content can be located by searching the Internet Archive .... or YouTube or through a Google Videos search, users may find the site's tagging and uploading options represent the added value that makes Yovisto useful to them".

Review by B.J.Bergman, Minnesota State University, June 2014 issue of ALA's Choice.

Visit the yovistoblog - daily blog on history in science, tech and art!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library, from the Israeli Antiquities Authority.

Start Browsing
Explore the treasures of the Dead Sea Scrolls. While the precious Scrolls are secured in climate-controlled vaults, their secrets are laid bare here.
View infrared photos from the 1950s archive and examine the latest high-definition spectral images, which enhance the texts' visibility and readability. Browse the fragments by Site, Language, or Content or use the "free search" option and let your imagination be your guide.

The most well-known texts among the Dead Sea Scrolls are the ancient religious writings found in eleven caves near the site of Qumran. Discoveries from additional sites yielded mostly documents and letters, especially papyri that had been hidden in caves by refugees from wars. While some of these writings survived as nearly intact scrolls, most of the archive consists of thousands of parchment and papyrus fragments. . . .

About the Project
The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) is very proud to present the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library, a free online digitized virtual library of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Hundreds of manuscripts made up of thousands of fragments – discovered from 1947 and until the early 1960’s in the Judean Desert along the western shore of the Dead Sea – are now available to the public online. The high resolution images are extremely detailed and can be accessed through various search options on the site.

Featured Scrolls
The discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls in a remote Judean Desert cave in 1947 is widely considered the greatest archaeological event of the twentieth century. Bedouin treasure hunters and archaeologists ultimately found the remains of hundreds of ancient scrolls. These fragile pieces of parchment and papyrus, including the oldest existing copies of the Hebrew Bible, were preserved for two thousand years by the hot, dry desert climate and the darkness of the caves where they were placed. The scrolls provide an unprecedented picture of the diverse religious beliefs of ancient Judaism, and of daily life during the turbulent Second Temple period when Jesus lived and preached.

Recommended in the July 2014 issue of ALA's Choice

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Photojournal: NASA's Image Access Home Page: Bring the Universe to You

Photojournal provides easy-to-use search tools intended to help the general public navigate the thousands of beautiful images collected by NASA exploration programs over the years.

Visitors start by selecting a celestial body from the graphic on the home page. Each planet and object links to an image gallery. The search results can be refined further by target, mission, spacecraft, or instrument, or if visitors know an image's unique PIA number, they can search for it directly. Clicking on a thumbnail opens the full record, including a detailed caption and information about the mission and instruments responsible for capturing the image. All images are high-quality data products of NASA missions, and new images are added daily.

In addition to planetary systems, Photojournal links to a gallery of images of the instruments and technology that make the missions possible, and spectacular animations that include time-lapse images of the Mars rover Curiosity's first 12 months on the planet and Jupiter's massive red storm.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
(Recommended in June 2014 issue of ALA's Choice)

Monday, January 12, 2015

The Great Depression Interviews

"From the stock market crash of 1929 to the beginnings of World War II, The Great Depression tells the dramatic and diverse stories of struggle and survival during the worst economic crisis in U.S. history. Originally debuting on PBS stations in 1993, the 7-part series was met with critical acclaim, winning an Emmy for writing and a duPont-Columbia Award. These interviews are part of the Henry Hampton Collection housed at the Film & Media Archive at Washington University Libraries. Each video and transcript represents the entire interview conducted by Blackside, Inc., including portions that did not appear in the final program".

Recommended in the July 2014 issue of ALA's Choice.
"One drawback to this resource is that it provides little background information on the collection, other than a short paragraph on the home screen. This could be addressed by including links to resources about the project and the collection, such as a recent post on the Washington University Libraries blog.
Including this link would give users a better context concerning the need for the resource and its connection to the university. http://wulibraries.typepad.com/whatsnew/2014/01/library-unveils-100-hours-of-digitized-conversation-about-the-great-depression.html.  Overall, The Great Depression Interviews could be very helpful as an example of an oral history project and of the kinds of primary source information that can be gleaned from such a work. Additionally, this website could be useful for the study of race relations, employment and economic conditions, and politics during a specific era in US history".

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Global Health Observatory, from the World Health Organization.

Welcome to the Global Health Observatory (GHO) – WHO's gateway to health-related statistics from around the world. The aim of the GHO portal is to provide easy access to:
  • country data and statistics with a focus on comparable estimates;
  • WHO’s analyses to monitor global, regional and country situation and trends.
GHO theme pages cover global health priorities such as the health-related Millennium Development Goals, mortality and burden of disease, health systems, environmental health, noncommunicable diseases, infectious diseases, health equity and violence and injuries. The theme pages present:
  • highlights showing the global situation and trends, using regularly updated core indicators;
  • data views customized for each theme, including country profiles and a map gallery;
  • publications relevant to the theme;
  • links to relevant web pages within WHO and elsewhere.
The GHO database provides access to an interactive repository of health statistics. Users are able to display data for selected indicators, health topics, countries and regions, and download the customized tables in Excel format.

The GHO country data includes all country statistics and health profiles that are available within WHO.

The GHO issues analytical reports on priority health issues, including the World Health Statistics annual publication, which compiles statistics for key health indicators. Analytical reports will address cross‐cutting topics such as women and health.

Recommended in the July 2014 issue of ALA's Choice

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Digital Book Index: World's Virtual Library

Welcome! Over the last decade, a quiet revolution has been going on in the development of a large library of "digital" or "electronic" books. While there are still large gaps, a very substantial body of "Western" thought is available in the form of downloadable or on-line books. Most major writers, from Plato to Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Proust, or John Le Carre, are accessible on the Internet. Subjects range from the highly scholarly to the contemporary and popular -- especially as more commercial publishers discover the virtues of "on-line" distribution. This index is intended as a "Meta-index" for most major eBook sites, along with thousands of smaller specialized sites. In some subject categories, the resources you find here are more comprehensive than those of all but the largest of research libraries, due to the budget & space constraints of smaller institutions.

Digital Book Index provides links to more than 165,000 full-text digital books from more than 1800 commercial and non-commercial publishers, universities, and various private sites. More than 140,000 of these books, texts, and documents are available free.

Here's some of what you will find:
  • Reference Books: More than 2000 Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Thesauri, Glossaries,
    Bibliographies, Chronologies, Timelines, Literary Histories, Biographies, Writing & Style Guides & Student Study aids.
  • Literature & Languages: About 12,000 basic texts in English & American Literature, ranging from Chaucer & other medieval texts to modern, contemporary Fiction & Literature. This includes the most comprehensive, openly-accessible collection of 19th century American Literature available on the Internet, as well as extensive collections on Shakespeare (at least eight different editions --  modern, old-spelling, & photo facsimiles of the original Folios & Quartos, etc.); the American Renaissance (Transcendentalism); the Harlem Renaissance; 3000+ Short Stories, Diaries, Sagas, and Ballads; along with 2500+ volumes of Canadian, Australian, ancient Greek & Latin, French, Russian, German, Italian, Spanish, Scandinavian, Indian (limited), Chinese (limited), & Japanese (limited) literatures. There are 3000 volumes of Poetry and more than 3000 volumes by women writers.
  • History: About 15,000 volumes in North American history, from the early European voyages of Exploration and Discovery, early settlement, the colonial period, the Revolutionary War period, the fur traders & mountainmen, the Gold rushes, the pioneer expansion westward, the Civil-War, Reconstruction, etc. Other collections include English & Irish history, European, (ancient, medieval, & Renaissance texts through World War I & II), Latin American, Middle-Eastern, Asian, & African history, as well as Military history and the history of Science, Medicine, & Technology. Local & regional history are organized by states & regions. More than 1000 historical documents are arranged in chronological order
  • Social Sciences: Collections in Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Ethnology & Folklore, Mythology, & Legends; Economics, Political Economy, & Economic History; Politics, Political Science, Political philosophy.
  • Medicine & Health: An extensive collection of about 1500 medical & health books for both professionals & patients (Anatomy, Radiology, Infectious Diseases, Endocrinology, Hematology, Neuroscience, Surgery, Oncology, Virology, Dentistry, Public Health, etc. etc.), along with medical history.
  • Math & Sciences: Mathematics (1900+ vols.), Astronomy, Biology, Botany & Zoology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular & Cell Biology, Plant Biology, Genetics, evolutionary thought, Biomedical Ethics; Chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic & Organic Chemistry, Spectroscopy; Materials & Industrial Science; Physics; Engineering, Electronics & Communications Technologies, & Computer Science.
  • Philosophy & Religion: Religion includes 1200+ titles on Christianity, Judiaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Daoism, Taoism, Sikhism, etc.; as well as Witchcraft, Occultism, Magic, etc.
  • Law: Legal resources include US Constitutional history, state constitutions, treaties, legal-historical documents, state statues & laws, legal ethics rules, copyright, and consumer information.
  • The Arts: Art & Graphic arts; Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Dance, Decorative Arts, Costume, Theatre & Drama (more than 1000 plays), Music, Photography, Film & Video, & the Book Arts
  • Childrens eBooks: About 3500 contemporary & classic children's books and stories
  • Other selections include Agriculture (1500+ titles); Business (600+); Education & Education History; Transportation (roads, bridges, canals, & railroads, etc.), Textbooks (free & commercial); Cooking & Food, Games (chess, etc.), & Pets; Travel books; environmentalism; & various "Area Studies:" Native-Americans, Afro-Americans, Women's Studies & issues; China, Egypt, India, Japan, &  Medieval & Renaissance Studies.

Recommended in the July 2014 issue of ALA's Choice.