Polygamy, Mormons, and the TCC Library

And now, 2008, we watch the return of 400 children taken from the Eldorado, Texas, Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints compound. This latest case has many of us questioning government interference with religious beliefs. If the Federal government can intervene in fundamentalist Mormon practices, then what about other fundamentalist

- Polygamy: literally means many acts of marriage
- Polygyny: many wives
- Polyandry: many husbands
- Polyamory: group marriage
Polygamy - polygyny - has been the norm through much of the history of human civilization. The custom of plural wives was found in many ancient cultures, and persists today in Africa, India, Polynesia, and Islamic countries. Americans may be surprised to learn that polygamy is legally practiced in Canada and the Netherlands, while thousands of New York City African immigrants live in traditional polygamous families, covertly and illegally. The current mainstream idea of 'marriage' as we know it is a very recent concept in human history.
The TCC Library has books, e-books, a-v resources and more about polygamy, Mormans, and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints.
Polygamy in the Library
Polygamous families in contemporary society
by Irwin Altman, Cambridge Unversity Press, 1996. HQ 981 .A45 1996
The twenty-seventh wife. [last wife of Brigham Young]
by Irving Wallace,Simon and Schuster, 1961. BX 8641.Y7 W3
Polygamy on the pedernales: Lyman Wight’s Mormon villages in antebellum Texas, 1845 to 1858
by Melvin C.Johnson, Utah State Univ Pr, 2006. LINCC eResources eBooks
The pastoral continuum : the marginalization of tradition in East Africa
by Paul Spencer, Oxford Univ Press, 1998. GN658 .S64 1998
Women and the Koran : the status of women in Islam
by Anwar Hekmat, Prometheus Books, 1997. BP134.W6 H45 1997
Islam questions and answers. Volume 24, Jurisprudence and Islamic rulings.
MSA Publication Ltd.,c2004 LINCC eResources eBooks
Under the banner of heaven : a story of violent faith
by Jon Krakauer, Doubleday,2003. BX 8680.M54 K73 2003
Contemporary Mormonism : Latter-day Saints in modern America
by Claudia L. Bushman, Praeger Publishers,2006. BX 8611 .B83 2006
An introduction to MormonismDouglas James Davies, Cambridge University Press,2003. BX 8635.3 .D38 2003
Building the kingdom : a history of Mormons in America
by Claudia L. Bushman, Oxford University Press,c2001.BX 8611 .B84 2001
Latter days : a guided tour through six billion years of Mormonism
by Coke Newell, St. Martin’s Press, 2000. BX 8611 .N49 2000
Mormon America : the power and the promise
by Richard N. Ostling, HarperSanFrancisco, 1999. BX 8635.2 .O88 1999
Our search for happiness : an invitation to understand the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints
Russell Ballard, Deseret Book Co.,c1993. BX 8635.5 .B35 1993
Encyclopedia of Mormonism
NY: Maxwell Macmillan International REF BX 8605.5 .E62 1992
The Mormon experience : a history of the Latter-Day Saints
by Leonard J Arrington,Univ Illinois Pr, 1992. BX8611 .A78 1992
The politics of American religious identity: the seating of Senator Reed Smoot, Mormon apostle by Kathleen Flake,Univ NC Press, c2004. BX8695.S74 F57 2004
Brigham Young : American Moses
by Leonard J. Arrington,Univ Illinois Pr, 1985. BX8695.Y7 A85 1986
Joseph Smith and the beginnings of Mormonism
by Richard L. Bushman, Univ Illinois Pr, 1984. BX8695.S6 B87 1984
e-Books in the Library
Polygamy on the pedernales: Lyman Wight’s Mormon villages in antebellum Texas, 1845 to 1858
by Melvin C.Johnson, Utah State Univ Pr, 2006. LINCC eResources eBooks
Having visions: the Book of Mormon translated and exposed in plain English
by Susan Stansfield Wolverton, Algora Pub, 2004 LINCC eResources eBooks
An introduction to Mormonism
by Douglas James Davies, Cambridge Univ Pr, 2003LINCC eResources eBooks
Mormons and the Bible: the place of the Latter-Day Saints in American religion
by Philip Barlow, Oxford University Press, 1991. LINCC eResources eBooks
The politics of American religious identity: the seating of Senator Reed Smoot, Mormon apostle
by Kathleen Flake, Univ of NC Press, 2004. LINCC eResources eBooks
Recollections of past days: the autobiography of Patience Loader Rozsa Archer
by Patience Loader Archer, Utah State Univ, 2006. Life writings of frontier women seriesLINCC eResources eBooks
Islam questions and answers. Volume 24, Jurisprudence and Islamic rulings.
MSA Publication Ltd.,c2004 LINCC eResources eBooks
Audio-visual resources
The Mormons
Frontline, PBS, 2007.
240 min, dvd set
Media Collection A-V CVR 1067
How rare a possession: the Book of Mormon
Intellectual Reserve, 2000, 1987.
63 min, video
Media Collection VIDEO BX8627 .H668 2000
The mountain of the Lord
72 min, video
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1993.
Media Collection VIDEO BX8685 .M68 1993
Web sites of relevance
Utah History: New polygamy, Pioneers & cowboys,
Tapestry against Polygamy: Creating a choice and a voice through education and support
"Tapestry Against Polygamy is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Tapestry advocates against the human right violations inherent in polygamy and provides assistance to individuals leaving polygamous cults."
Loving More: New Models for Relationships
Loving More explores and supports many different forms of family and relationships, such as open marriage, extended family, and multi-partner marriages. It also serves as a national clearinghouse for the multi-partner movement. The organization publishes the quarterly magazine Loving More
Polygamy.com - [pro polygamy]
"The webs comprehensive source for information regarding modern polygamy. Articles for and against polygamy, an extensive library on polygamy and polygamists, and a free polygamy forum with many spirited discussions and opinions. "
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Official Web sites of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Brigham Young, PBS
Search our Online Catalog for more resources
Mormon Church
Mormon families
Mormon fundamentalism
Mormon pioneers
Mormons - United States
Mormon [keyword]
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Book of Mormon
Branch Davidian [Waco]
Polygamy - Islamic law
Databases with information on polygamy
NewsBank. SIRS. Opposing Viewpoints. Academic Search
access to TCC databases requires a TCC ID card or on-campus access.
selected articles available from campus computers, available in NewsBank
Jeffs may be put away for life, but polygamy's at large in Utah.
by Nicholas Riccardi, Los Angeles Times, Sept 27, 2007.
"with an estimated 37,000 residents living polygamous lifestyles" it would be impossible to "prosecute people solely for multiple marriages"
Polygamy, practiced in secrecy, follows Africans to New York City.
by Nica Bernstein, New York Times, March 23, 2007
"Immigration to New York and other American cities has soared from places where polygamy is lawful and widespread, especailly from West African countries..."
Movement grows to legalize polygamy
by John Pomfret, Miami Herald, The (FL) - November 23, 2006
"In their quest to decriminalize bigamy, practitioners have had help from unlikely quarters. HBO's series Big Love, about a Viagra-popping man with three wives, three sets of bills, three sets of chores and three sets of kids, marked a watershed because of its sympathetic portrayal of polygamists. The U.S. Supreme Court's 2003 decision in Lawrence vs. Texas, which voided laws criminalizing sodomy, also aided polygamy's cause because it implied that the court disapproved of laws that reach into the bedroom. "===============================
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