ATSDR Toxic Substances Portal

"Users can conveniently search for substances by name or trade name, synonym, or Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number. One can also search for substances by states in the US as well as the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas. The website has a search bar, but in general, the results displayed from a search here are too numerous to be useful. Every page on the site provides contact information, an embedded print command, and an e-mail link along with a function to adjust text size. The site displays equally well in Firefox and Internet Explorer; it was not viewed in other browsers. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration site also links to the ATSDR Toxic Substances Portal. A similar website for obtaining toxicological information is the National Library of Medicine's Environmental Health and Toxicology "
***Please note that at this time the most recent Health Assessments and Health Consultations that appear in the results are from 2007. We are working to add more recent assessments and consultations to the system. Also, note that the results reflect only the work of ATSDR. We do not include assessments from the EPA or from state and local health departments unless ATSDR worked on or funded that assessment or consultation.***
Reviewed in the June 2013 issue of ACRL's Choice.
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